It’s been a couple of weeks since ESL One Manila but to me it still feels like it was yesterday. Finally, finally, an international premiere esports tournament has been held in the Philippines and I’ve never been more excited and proud. While we may have a bad rep for being toxic in games, there’s no doubt that we’re one of the most passionate people out there and it clearly showed at the event.

The staff and organizers of the event never failed to mention to me that they have been blown away by the support of the Filipino fans. I’d like to take this as a sure sign that more international and large-scale tournaments will continue to be held in the country.

I was lucky enough to get an invite from Rappler to cover the event for them. Check out my stories below:

ESL One Manila Day 2: Epic clashes and wild crowds

ESL One Final Day: Wings soars, history made

Here’s my gallery for the event’s highlights. Keep in mind, these photos are raw and untouched.

wings championtobiwan and fantobimilkDSC_2144DSC_2036djcrowd (2)IMG_2479IMG_2582IMG_2588IMG_2483IMG_2565mineski vs complexitycrowd (3)crowd

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